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Reflections from IAOP OWS 23 @ Chicago

Reflections from IAOP OWS 23 (Outsourcing World Summit) @ Chicago. Was great to catch up with old friends and connect with peers. Great sessions; a summary of what I took away.

#impactsourcing : what companies should be doing (though mostly are currently not); though potential for major suppliers to make that a component of their delivery model. Great sessions by Alex Rochlitz Google, Megh Desai KPMG

Good Governance & Transparency has a strong ROI whether for GBS or for Strategic Vendors. Great sessions by Angela Mangiapane Mars, Troy Riley Fannie Mae and others.

Yes, and as expected good discussions about #ai in the context of Outsourcing; changes to Master Service Agreements, concerns about Data Privacy, intellectual property ownership, contractual representations.

Inspirational session by Jon Browning regarding finding a purpose and making a difference in lives of others (even continents apart) right from your own spare room with a few hours per week. #GlobalMentorshipInitiative.

Umapathy V. Sayee Challapally Kishore Ramnani Mark Voytek